

A blend of several typical Tuscan cultivars: Leccino, Frantoio, Pendolino and Moraiolo, which give the oil an intense, full-bodied flavour.


Leccino, Frantoio, Pendolino, Moraiolo


glass 750 ml

note gustative

The harmony it expresses in the mouth is pleasantly surprising, thanks to the balanced notes of sweet, bitter and spicy. Its finish is appreciated for the enjoyable perception and pleasantness of the strong notes of radicchio, fresh walnut and pink peppercorn which perfectly complement the bitter notes of chicory and artichoke.

note olfattive

Fruity sensations of olives harvested when completely green, with interesting hints of exotic fruit (banana) and other fresh fruit. The perceived vegetal nuances are rich, with tomato, fresh almond and artichoke.


We recommend using it for all types of soups (especially typical Tuscan soups such as ribollita or black cabbage soup), as well as grilled meats and vegetables. It is also excellent on more elaborate and intensely flavoured fish dishes such as cacciucco.

zona di produzione

Parco Naturale della Maremma


10 – 50 m.a.s.l

periodo di raccolta


tipo di estrazione

continuous cycle (cold-pressed)